The news on CNN and USA Today presented an announcement for the people who want to care about politics, but don't have the time, so they wait someone "smarter" and "more informed" to tell them what to do. No, no, they didn't introduce the parent going into the voting booth with their children feature, but they did announce that Chuck Norris threw his support behind Mike Huckabee and Oprah Winfrey is officially supporting Barack Obama.
It disgusts me that society is so far gone that they are depending on pop culture figures and
From Mike Huckabee for President:
I have deep, personal issues with Oprah, yes, but she is on top of things 51% of the time so her vouching for a campaign is completely understandable. But, once again, CHUCK NORRIS?
The man only knows roundhouse kicks and beard maintenance!
I'm getting away from myself. Here is the point:
Society needs to learn how to research and make decisions for itself, especially in regards to policy, candidates for any electable office (raise your hand and tell me if you know what the Texas state Railroad Commissioner does. That's what I thought, and you elect someone to that spot every time it comes around), and any facet of our government. George Clooney wants people to care about Darfur, so they do. Leonardo DiCaprio wants you to care about global warming (and only recently has accepted that it's called "climate change"), so they do. These are serious issues that need attention, but... you know... "what can one person do? Darfur is really far away and I love my SUV even if Leo has pretty eyes."
Chuck Norris wants people to care about Mike Huckabee, so now millions of frat boys everywhere who live their lives by the Chuck Norris Facts are actually going to go vote and get a inbred-looking, wall-eyed, gun nut into office.
Good work, Hollywood. Thanks for stepping in.
Pat Sajak gets it. Why doesn't she?
Jolly good show, Lindsay! I agree that celebrities are unqualified to endorse candidates because they're so insulated from us rabble. I think a lot of the frat boys would go "Chuck Norris is a Republican? AAAAAAHHH!" And then the drinking beer and making-the-heart-beat sectors of their mind would break and they would die.
Dear Ms. Lindsay King,
Please don't worry about whom celebrities endorse. If they get any attention, it's because they're fighting a losing battle for the nomination, like Oprah with Obama and Chuck Norris with Huckabee. Lots of celebrities are behind Clinton and Giuliani, so when they come out with support for them, nobody bats an eye. Now, Huckabee's ad was infantile, but it's not going to help him win the nomination. Nobody's going to take him seriously after appearing onscreen with Chuck Norris cracking old jokes. Nobody who isn't already pulling for him is going to be inspired to learn more. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that the kind of person who will be swayed by celebrities voicing their opinions is not the same kind of person who will actually DO anything about it. If a candidate is at the top of the list anyway, odds are it's because they're smart enough to not make Chuck Norris jokes in a campaign ad.
To sum up: celebrities are likely going to use their clout to pust their political views. Some politicians, if they are desperate, will take advantage of this. This will likely not go exactly as planned because it will not give them enough edge to really enter the race and the people who care about celebrity testimonial aren't the people who will be affecting the election.
By the way, what "deep, personal issues" do you have with Oprah? Did she run over your dog?
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