Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I tried to go vote, but by the time I got there, the line at my precinct was WRAPPED AROUND the building of the school and there was no way I could have waited. goddamit. I didn't see early voting anywhere, but I really wanted to vote against prop. 15. Not that I hate people with cancer, but the proposed plan isn't good enough. The money wouldn't go to where it's needed and that pisses me off.

Also, I wanted to vote against the transportation bonds (prop. 12) because it's more of Texas refusing to find a decent plan for our roads (even though I would vote for a proposition that would throw every person who wasn't 1) born here, or 2) been a resident here for more than 10 years, or 3) married someone who is one of the aforementioned criterion, out of the state which would help the traffic problem quite a bit)... seriously... Mike Krusee is the biggest brain dead waste of space moron ever. Please, god, please... Vote him out of office Williamson County! I hates him, Precious.

Other things I was looking forward to voting on:
Prop 1. - FOR.

Prop 2. - Very much FOR.

Prop 3. - FOR.

Prop 4. - So AGAINST it hurts! What the eff are you people thinking over there in that beautiful pink granite building? Did you live under powerlines as a kid?!

Prop 5. - eh. Doesn't really affect me, but could help someone else out. FOR.

Prop 6. - AGAINST. Stop giving money away to people who don't need it. kthxbai.

Prop 7. - FOR, even though they shouldn't have to buy their land back, they should just get it back from the dirty land snatching bastards.

Prop 8. - Once again... could be of use for someone else and doesn't really affect anyone 'cept greedy corporate bastards. FOR.

Prop 9. - FOR. Them fellas deserve it.

Prop 10. - Huh? I don't even know what this is, or really understand it. What I do know is that the last thing we need is ANOTHER position in our state government. AGAINST.

Prop 11. - FOR. Easy man.

Prop 13. - I want to be for this, but being that a personal friend of mine is considered a domestic abuser for the most ridiculous circumstances ever, I'd hate for someone in his position to be affected. AGAINST.

Prop 14. - Stop trying to help your buddies stay in power. AGAINST.

Prop 16. - Wastewater services are very important. This should go without saying. FOR.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

honest to God. It can't be said enough how freakishly hilarious you are. How luck am I to have a sister that is so sassy/opinionated?