Monday, October 8, 2007

Poll 2 Results!

Just for posterity:
What do you think of the Electoral College?
-Outdated! Get rid of it. It only causes problems. 10 votes
-Keep it! Tradition is tradition. 1 votes what is an electoral college? 3 votes
Total Votes: 14

Me and ye olde fiance (Berry) go back and forth on this subject for daaaaaaaaaaays. He firmly believes that it will set the government on it's ear if you allow the people to actually vote for what they want, because "the electoral system provides a layer of stability to the government, in times of changeover which is needed and it also represents the rights of states to continue to choose their electors how they wish and distribute those electoral votes as they see fit."

I say, this is a good argument... for the early 1800's. We've also been having this debate off and on for the past seven years. Apparently, neither of us will break.

1 comment:

Haus said...

I'm sorry, but I don't think you accounted for all the views here. The point of the electoral college is that, theoretically, if EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE STATE voted, this person would have won. It actually is a really good idea if it weren't for one thing: these tiny little states with fewer people than Austin need only 1 vote, not 3.