Tuesday, October 2, 2007

New Blog - comin' up

So for my Stage Three Blog Assignment I am to do the following:
Substantial commentary or criticism #1 (Due: October 3, 2007)
Write a substantial (250-500 words) commentary or critical analysis of an article (news, editorial, or commentary) about U.S. national government from one of the Suggested Sources. Post your commentary or criticism to your blog.

Well... I am not a fan of critical analysis, because I'm a live-and-let-live, you-do -your-thing-I'll-do-mine sort of person. I'll rant about the stuff I care about, but I don't wanna sit around and tear apart someone else's philosophy. The most I'll get into is "That's dumb" or "How can you think that?" but I can't bring myself to going further.
...also... critical thinking hurts... oh, the wrinkles in my brain are flattening! Just kidding.

Either way, my point for this was warning:
My next blog is me doing a Devil's Advocate thing. Some of it I'm into, but not all of it. I still encourage people to comment and let me know what they think. I like to hear about what is on your mind.

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