Thursday, September 20, 2007


So, I think my first poll went okay. A new one will be up for another two weeks, so don't forget to vote!

Just for posterity:
Should literacy tests be brought back to be allowed to vote?
-Yes! Voters should be able to be informed by more than TV before voting! 3 votes
-Eh... sure voters should be more informed, but they shouldn't have to pass a test to prove it. 3 votes
-No! Bring back a poll tax too if you want to keep disenfranchising voters. 3 votes
Total Votes: 9

The reason I even bothered to ask is because I was wondering... what is worse? Someone who doesn't vote, or a voter who doesn't know what is going on in the world. I'm sure there are all points of gray areas to be covered, but I feel like an uninformed voter is worse. At least someone who doesn't vote isn't pulling something either way, but there are some jackasses that will go and vote straight ticket out of obligation and not pay attention to the world they are creating by doing so.

That felt good. I'm gonna make another poll now and then resume writing my english paper.

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