Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Old Poll, New Poll. Sunrise, Sunset.

Just for posterity:
Should America offically mandate English as the National Language?
-Of course! And if you can't speak English, get the hell out! 4 votes
-Limiting our spoken language to English only defeats the purpose of being a culturally rich melting pot 7 votes
-...what do you mean it isn't? 1 vote
-We should throw out all languages and create a new worldwide spoken language 1 vote
Total Votes: 13

This is another Lindsay v. Berry argument. I don't hate people because they don't speak English. I also don't hate people who come to America and don't speak English. I hate the people who come to America to live and refuse to learn English. I know English is not the national language, and we will never elect it so, and I'm okay with that too. I just have no idea why you would go to another country and plan to stay there and not take the time to learn the predominate language. If you just wanted to visit and poke around, that's completely understandable, but jesus! It gets my goat.

Anyway, the new poll reflects my latest assignment in class, and not a L v. B argument. YAY!

Blog Stage Seven - Original Editorial

...just another person telling you how to vote.

The news on CNN and USA Today presented an announcement for the people who want to care about politics, but don't have the time, so they wait someone "smarter" and "more informed" to tell them what to do. No, no, they didn't introduce the parent going into the voting booth with their children feature, but they did announce that Chuck Norris threw his support behind Mike Huckabee and Oprah Winfrey is officially supporting Barack Obama.
It disgusts me that society is so far gone that they are depending on pop culture figures and failed journalists, ahem, I'm sorry, talk show hosts to tell you who to vote for. I knew with Oprah it would happen sooner or later, I just wasn't sure if she would support Hillary or Barack. But Mike Huckabee getting Chuck Norris?
From Mike Huckabee for President:

I have deep, personal issues with Oprah, yes, but she is on top of things 51% of the time so her vouching for a campaign is completely understandable. But, once again, CHUCK NORRIS?
The man only knows roundhouse kicks and beard maintenance!

I'm getting away from myself. Here is the point:
Society needs to learn how to research and make decisions for itself, especially in regards to policy, candidates for any electable office (raise your hand and tell me if you know what the Texas state Railroad Commissioner does. That's what I thought, and you elect someone to that spot every time it comes around), and any facet of our government. George Clooney wants people to care about Darfur, so they do. Leonardo DiCaprio wants you to care about global warming (and only recently has accepted that it's called "climate change"), so they do. These are serious issues that need attention, but... you know... "what can one person do? Darfur is really far away and I love my SUV even if Leo has pretty eyes."

Chuck Norris wants people to care about Mike Huckabee, so now millions of frat boys everywhere who live their lives by the Chuck Norris Facts are actually going to go vote and get a inbred-looking, wall-eyed, gun nut into office.

Good work, Hollywood. Thanks for stepping in.

Pat Sajak gets it. Why doesn't she?

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Blog Stage Six - Comment on a Colleague's Work

Comment on Matt Hausmann's "Politics Pocket"
Original article found here: "Colbert is serious, but so was Reagan."

Mr. Hausmann, you are missing the point, in more ways than one.

First: Stephen Colbert is in no way, shape, or form seriously running for president.
Colbert is 100% satire. His purpose in life is to hold a mirror up so everyone can see how silly all of us are. His "run" for presidency is no more serious than CC Goldwater & Stephanie Miller's run for the presidency. I'm trying to think of ways that he could be considered serious, and that can only be if EVERY person in the nation lost their sense of humor and thus lose their understanding of what is going on.

Second: "It probably has something to do with his consistent criticisms of the Bush administration and conservatism."
I don't know if you've ever seen his show or read Colbert's interviews but he only critiques liberals. Sure, he mocks conservatives, but never in words, only in mannerisms. Colbert is know to ask people he is interviewing, "George W. Bush: Great president, or GREATEST president?"

Third: Colbert knows that even if he won the presidency, his career would be extremely short lived. His television career will last much longer than any political career. He just wants everyone to see how silly campaigning is, that is all this is about. There is nothing to be afraid of here... except that even if Colbert did win, he would more than likely do a better job than whoever gets elected for real.
That's scary.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I tried to go vote, but by the time I got there, the line at my precinct was WRAPPED AROUND the building of the school and there was no way I could have waited. goddamit. I didn't see early voting anywhere, but I really wanted to vote against prop. 15. Not that I hate people with cancer, but the proposed plan isn't good enough. The money wouldn't go to where it's needed and that pisses me off.

Also, I wanted to vote against the transportation bonds (prop. 12) because it's more of Texas refusing to find a decent plan for our roads (even though I would vote for a proposition that would throw every person who wasn't 1) born here, or 2) been a resident here for more than 10 years, or 3) married someone who is one of the aforementioned criterion, out of the state which would help the traffic problem quite a bit)... seriously... Mike Krusee is the biggest brain dead waste of space moron ever. Please, god, please... Vote him out of office Williamson County! I hates him, Precious.

Other things I was looking forward to voting on:
Prop 1. - FOR.

Prop 2. - Very much FOR.

Prop 3. - FOR.

Prop 4. - So AGAINST it hurts! What the eff are you people thinking over there in that beautiful pink granite building? Did you live under powerlines as a kid?!

Prop 5. - eh. Doesn't really affect me, but could help someone else out. FOR.

Prop 6. - AGAINST. Stop giving money away to people who don't need it. kthxbai.

Prop 7. - FOR, even though they shouldn't have to buy their land back, they should just get it back from the dirty land snatching bastards.

Prop 8. - Once again... could be of use for someone else and doesn't really affect anyone 'cept greedy corporate bastards. FOR.

Prop 9. - FOR. Them fellas deserve it.

Prop 10. - Huh? I don't even know what this is, or really understand it. What I do know is that the last thing we need is ANOTHER position in our state government. AGAINST.

Prop 11. - FOR. Easy man.

Prop 13. - I want to be for this, but being that a personal friend of mine is considered a domestic abuser for the most ridiculous circumstances ever, I'd hate for someone in his position to be affected. AGAINST.

Prop 14. - Stop trying to help your buddies stay in power. AGAINST.

Prop 16. - Wastewater services are very important. This should go without saying. FOR.