Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Old Poll, New Poll. Sunrise, Sunset.

Just for posterity:
Should America offically mandate English as the National Language?
-Of course! And if you can't speak English, get the hell out! 4 votes
-Limiting our spoken language to English only defeats the purpose of being a culturally rich melting pot 7 votes
-...what do you mean it isn't? 1 vote
-We should throw out all languages and create a new worldwide spoken language 1 vote
Total Votes: 13

This is another Lindsay v. Berry argument. I don't hate people because they don't speak English. I also don't hate people who come to America and don't speak English. I hate the people who come to America to live and refuse to learn English. I know English is not the national language, and we will never elect it so, and I'm okay with that too. I just have no idea why you would go to another country and plan to stay there and not take the time to learn the predominate language. If you just wanted to visit and poke around, that's completely understandable, but jesus! It gets my goat.

Anyway, the new poll reflects my latest assignment in class, and not a L v. B argument. YAY!

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