I said I'd come back when I had something to talk about... I just didn't think it would take two years for me to be ready to rant again.
So here's what happened:
Perry got elected again... the useless bastard... so what else can I do, but update my status on FaceBook. My status ignited a thread of my friends bickering a little bit, which led to me getting all sorts of flamey. Here it is:
Lindsay KM I'm not ashamed to admit that I am so fucking mad that Perry got reelected I screamed a little... Now, back to drinking to celebrate how useless and powerless the Texas Governor actually is... I just wanted someone who wasn't embarrassing.
Dot A I'm fuckin embarrassed. and drinking heavily
Kimberly D Me too!
Melinda F feel like I'm watching a scary movie, republicans are everywhere, dundundunnn
Cynthia M Hey, you probably don't remember a guy named Clements . . .
Sarah H Its because Obama llama ding dong has ruined democrats name.. people who usually vote democrat, voted republican..
Melinda F People are jumping the gun in blaming Obama, I hope for America’s sake he’s given the time he needs to prove himself and repair the country.
Sarah H he's half way through.. how much time does he need?
Melinda F with all the years of damage he needs to repair, I think it's fair to give him all 8
Sarah H well.. I doubt he'll get 8 years.. a term is only 4 not 8.. with only 40% of the country satisfied with him, I think its safe to say that he's half way through.. not to mention, with the shift from Dem to GOP at midterms.. I think it speaks for something..
Melinda F i know a term is only 4, two terms would make 8, it speaks to an uneducated public
Sarah H it also speaks to an uneducated public, that 40% is less then half.. which would not be the majority.. but I think your right in the sense that he appeals to the uneducated public who can't make enough to support themselves and need all these government programs he wants to create to take from the rich and give to the poor.. Ive worked hard to get where I am.. why should I have to pay more taxes to fund programs to help people who can't or won't work as hard as I have?
That's where I got annoyed and stepped in...
Lindsay KM Strap in... this is a long one...
1) Obama does not appeal to an uneducated public. Bush does. Palin does. TEA PARTIERS DO. The Tea Baggers named their movement off of one of the biggest prick moves in our history (that's right... The Boston Tea Party WASN'T this act of righteous indignation everyone want to remember it as... the Tea Act was already repealed and all those jerks did was completely screw over a merchant's property).
2) When Bush took over, Clinton left him with a SURPLUS of money... Then Bush took 8 years driving our economy into the ground and I don't know why ANYONE would ever believe it could be fixed in two years. When Obama was sworn in, I was watching... I didn't see anyone hand him a magic wand or the ability to cross his arms and blink (a la I Dream of Jeanie) to make it all right again.
3) We were in the Great Depression for 14 years. Do you remember what caused the Depression? A stock market crash... due to frivolous investing and spending by the people AND NOT THE GOVERNMENT for a change... a decade of the Roaring 20's and then one day everything STOPPED with next no warning and then the Depression.
This Depression, whereas not as bad as the Great one, was caused by years of our GOVERNMENT THROWING MONEY AWAY on a war that shouldn't have happened... by Bush giving money to his friend's businesses for this war to ensure HIS FRIENDS (not his people) were okay... It was caused by letting businesses run wild without rules on how they can treat people... Did Obama organize sub prime mortgages while I wasn't looking? No, that would be Bush's laissez faire policies not paying attention to the fact that BANKS WERE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF POOR PEOPLE BECAUSE THEY COULD. People who don't understand mortgages and loans because they never had someone to teach them and they were preyed on by banks and credit card companies because government didn't think they needed to protect their people.
4) It took Roosevelt, considered to be one of the greatest presidents who ever lived, 14 years to pull us out of a Depression that happened overnight. He did it by making some SOCIALLY DEMOCRATIC decisions (not socialist, for any ignorant fucks who can read this far without getting a headache and a nosebleed) to take care of his people, even the ones against him who didn't like is policies. If you think that Obama can fix shit in two years when the previous administration took EIGHT to fuck it up, I'd say we should just keep the math simple... if Overnight = 14 years, we'll say the equation for how long Obama should get would need to be 8 years x 14 years... 112 years... AWESOME. I don't think he'll live that long but maybe we can put him in some kind of stasis? We'll have to rewrite that part of the rules to allow him to have a longer term, but we can pull it off.
5) People in America shouldn't bitch about taxes... go live damn near anywhere else in the civilized world and taxes are worse. And if you don't like paying taxes, next time your house is on fire, just let it burn... I'm sure you wouldn't want your money being used on a fire department that services everyone and when you're old and receive your medicaid card, make sure you set it on fire like kids who got their draft cards in the 60's. I'm certain that you wouldn't like your tax dollars making sure that insurance can't fuck over old people.
What do you think? Am I right? Are they right? Why are the Dems jumping ship? Complacency? Laziness? Not reading up on the candidates? It's too hard to stop watching Jon Stewart long enough to get to the polls? Tell me!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Monday, September 15, 2008
DIE. Please.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
See, I said I'd be back when I had something to talk about...
Or, how about I don't want to pack my apartment up anymore, so I'm posting? No... I actually had a thing going on in my head that I can only share on a political blog that no one reads. HERE! YAY!!
I'm a total dork. I know it. I'm really happy that the Texas primary actually means something this year! It's amazing!
I got a fever and the only cure is more OBAMA!

This is not my car. I found that on FrostFireBuzz, which is becoming one of my favorite websites.
Yup. That was all.
I'm a total dork. I know it. I'm really happy that the Texas primary actually means something this year! It's amazing!
I got a fever and the only cure is more OBAMA!

This is not my car. I found that on FrostFireBuzz, which is becoming one of my favorite websites.
Yup. That was all.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Blog Stage 8 - Comment on Classmate's Blog
Are you sad? I'm sad. This is my last assignment. I get the feeling that I'll still post when something is grinding my gears though. And here we go:
Comment on Sarah's "Political Prowess"
Blog 7: Let 'Em Search Us
I agree with Sarah that this is a violation of constitutional rights and an assault on the poor, but my bleeding heart liberalism only goes so far. These people are trying to get money from the government, so by proxy they are almost employees of the government. When I got my job, I had to be drug tested, and I could be randomly tested again if they wanted to. I'm not amused by that, but I also don't do drugs so I have nothing to fear. If I didn't like that rule though, I could go work somewhere else without drug testing (sure I wouldn't get paid as much). It is my option. These people applying for welfare could go get a job somewhere and not depend on the government who will take the liberty to hassle them as much as my boss takes the liberty to hassle me. True, my boss wouldn't dare to illegally search my house, but I provide a service and am not taking a free ride on the taxpayer's dime.
The government is insuring that their investment is not going to waste, even if they are being total bastards about it.
Comment on Sarah's "Political Prowess"
Blog 7: Let 'Em Search Us
I agree with Sarah that this is a violation of constitutional rights and an assault on the poor, but my bleeding heart liberalism only goes so far. These people are trying to get money from the government, so by proxy they are almost employees of the government. When I got my job, I had to be drug tested, and I could be randomly tested again if they wanted to. I'm not amused by that, but I also don't do drugs so I have nothing to fear. If I didn't like that rule though, I could go work somewhere else without drug testing (sure I wouldn't get paid as much). It is my option. These people applying for welfare could go get a job somewhere and not depend on the government who will take the liberty to hassle them as much as my boss takes the liberty to hassle me. True, my boss wouldn't dare to illegally search my house, but I provide a service and am not taking a free ride on the taxpayer's dime.
The government is insuring that their investment is not going to waste, even if they are being total bastards about it.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Old Poll, New Poll. Sunrise, Sunset.
Just for posterity:
Should America offically mandate English as the National Language?
-Of course! And if you can't speak English, get the hell out! 4 votes
-Limiting our spoken language to English only defeats the purpose of being a culturally rich melting pot 7 votes
-...what do you mean it isn't? 1 vote
-We should throw out all languages and create a new worldwide spoken language 1 vote
Total Votes: 13
This is another Lindsay v. Berry argument. I don't hate people because they don't speak English. I also don't hate people who come to America and don't speak English. I hate the people who come to America to live and refuse to learn English. I know English is not the national language, and we will never elect it so, and I'm okay with that too. I just have no idea why you would go to another country and plan to stay there and not take the time to learn the predominate language. If you just wanted to visit and poke around, that's completely understandable, but jesus! It gets my goat.
Anyway, the new poll reflects my latest assignment in class, and not a L v. B argument. YAY!
Should America offically mandate English as the National Language?
-Of course! And if you can't speak English, get the hell out! 4 votes
-Limiting our spoken language to English only defeats the purpose of being a culturally rich melting pot 7 votes
-...what do you mean it isn't? 1 vote
-We should throw out all languages and create a new worldwide spoken language 1 vote
Total Votes: 13
This is another Lindsay v. Berry argument. I don't hate people because they don't speak English. I also don't hate people who come to America and don't speak English. I hate the people who come to America to live and refuse to learn English. I know English is not the national language, and we will never elect it so, and I'm okay with that too. I just have no idea why you would go to another country and plan to stay there and not take the time to learn the predominate language. If you just wanted to visit and poke around, that's completely understandable, but jesus! It gets my goat.
Anyway, the new poll reflects my latest assignment in class, and not a L v. B argument. YAY!
Blog Stage Seven - Original Editorial
...just another person telling you how to vote.
The news on CNN and USA Today presented an announcement for the people who want to care about politics, but don't have the time, so they wait someone "smarter" and "more informed" to tell them what to do. No, no, they didn't introduce the parent going into the voting booth with their children feature, but they did announce that Chuck Norris threw his support behind Mike Huckabee and Oprah Winfrey is officially supporting Barack Obama.
It disgusts me that society is so far gone that they are depending on pop culture figures andfailed journalists, ahem, I'm sorry, talk show hosts to tell you who to vote for. I knew with Oprah it would happen sooner or later, I just wasn't sure if she would support Hillary or Barack. But Mike Huckabee getting Chuck Norris?
From Mike Huckabee for President:
I have deep, personal issues with Oprah, yes, but she is on top of things 51% of the time so her vouching for a campaign is completely understandable. But, once again, CHUCK NORRIS?
The man only knows roundhouse kicks and beard maintenance!
I'm getting away from myself. Here is the point:
Society needs to learn how to research and make decisions for itself, especially in regards to policy, candidates for any electable office (raise your hand and tell me if you know what the Texas state Railroad Commissioner does. That's what I thought, and you elect someone to that spot every time it comes around), and any facet of our government. George Clooney wants people to care about Darfur, so they do. Leonardo DiCaprio wants you to care about global warming (and only recently has accepted that it's called "climate change"), so they do. These are serious issues that need attention, but... you know... "what can one person do? Darfur is really far away and I love my SUV even if Leo has pretty eyes."
Chuck Norris wants people to care about Mike Huckabee, so now millions of frat boys everywhere who live their lives by the Chuck Norris Facts are actually going to go vote and get a inbred-looking, wall-eyed, gun nut into office.
Good work, Hollywood. Thanks for stepping in.
Pat Sajak gets it. Why doesn't she?
The news on CNN and USA Today presented an announcement for the people who want to care about politics, but don't have the time, so they wait someone "smarter" and "more informed" to tell them what to do. No, no, they didn't introduce the parent going into the voting booth with their children feature, but they did announce that Chuck Norris threw his support behind Mike Huckabee and Oprah Winfrey is officially supporting Barack Obama.
It disgusts me that society is so far gone that they are depending on pop culture figures and
From Mike Huckabee for President:
I have deep, personal issues with Oprah, yes, but she is on top of things 51% of the time so her vouching for a campaign is completely understandable. But, once again, CHUCK NORRIS?
The man only knows roundhouse kicks and beard maintenance!
I'm getting away from myself. Here is the point:
Society needs to learn how to research and make decisions for itself, especially in regards to policy, candidates for any electable office (raise your hand and tell me if you know what the Texas state Railroad Commissioner does. That's what I thought, and you elect someone to that spot every time it comes around), and any facet of our government. George Clooney wants people to care about Darfur, so they do. Leonardo DiCaprio wants you to care about global warming (and only recently has accepted that it's called "climate change"), so they do. These are serious issues that need attention, but... you know... "what can one person do? Darfur is really far away and I love my SUV even if Leo has pretty eyes."
Chuck Norris wants people to care about Mike Huckabee, so now millions of frat boys everywhere who live their lives by the Chuck Norris Facts are actually going to go vote and get a inbred-looking, wall-eyed, gun nut into office.
Good work, Hollywood. Thanks for stepping in.
Pat Sajak gets it. Why doesn't she?
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Blog Stage Six - Comment on a Colleague's Work
Comment on Matt Hausmann's "Politics Pocket"
Original article found here: "Colbert is serious, but so was Reagan."
Mr. Hausmann, you are missing the point, in more ways than one.
First: Stephen Colbert is in no way, shape, or form seriously running for president.
Colbert is 100% satire. His purpose in life is to hold a mirror up so everyone can see how silly all of us are. His "run" for presidency is no more serious than CC Goldwater & Stephanie Miller's run for the presidency. I'm trying to think of ways that he could be considered serious, and that can only be if EVERY person in the nation lost their sense of humor and thus lose their understanding of what is going on.
Second: "It probably has something to do with his consistent criticisms of the Bush administration and conservatism."
I don't know if you've ever seen his show or read Colbert's interviews but he only critiques liberals. Sure, he mocks conservatives, but never in words, only in mannerisms. Colbert is know to ask people he is interviewing, "George W. Bush: Great president, or GREATEST president?"
Third: Colbert knows that even if he won the presidency, his career would be extremely short lived. His television career will last much longer than any political career. He just wants everyone to see how silly campaigning is, that is all this is about. There is nothing to be afraid of here... except that even if Colbert did win, he would more than likely do a better job than whoever gets elected for real.
That's scary.
Original article found here: "Colbert is serious, but so was Reagan."
Mr. Hausmann, you are missing the point, in more ways than one.
First: Stephen Colbert is in no way, shape, or form seriously running for president.
Colbert is 100% satire. His purpose in life is to hold a mirror up so everyone can see how silly all of us are. His "run" for presidency is no more serious than CC Goldwater & Stephanie Miller's run for the presidency. I'm trying to think of ways that he could be considered serious, and that can only be if EVERY person in the nation lost their sense of humor and thus lose their understanding of what is going on.
Second: "It probably has something to do with his consistent criticisms of the Bush administration and conservatism."
I don't know if you've ever seen his show or read Colbert's interviews but he only critiques liberals. Sure, he mocks conservatives, but never in words, only in mannerisms. Colbert is know to ask people he is interviewing, "George W. Bush: Great president, or GREATEST president?"
Third: Colbert knows that even if he won the presidency, his career would be extremely short lived. His television career will last much longer than any political career. He just wants everyone to see how silly campaigning is, that is all this is about. There is nothing to be afraid of here... except that even if Colbert did win, he would more than likely do a better job than whoever gets elected for real.
That's scary.
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